have talked much about how we adults can live a healthier life but
we must also help the next generation, our children, to develop
healthy habits so that they have a better future. When should this
start from birth but practically from age 5 upwards?
Miracle Fitness formula Walk, Water, Diet.
Walk: Yes, even your
5 year old must be encouraged to go out and be walking & playing
in a park for 20-30 min.
I have seen that with both parents working,
this may be over looked and toddlers may be left to sit in front of
the T.V or computer all evening and all day long on weekends. At least
one parent must take out time to formally take the child out to play
daily. You may have to personally supervise this and go along up till
the child is 12-13years of age, other wise it will not happen consistently.
Lack of regular physical activity is the leading cause for obesity,
heart disease, diabetes and cancer in the world today. This may not
show up now but if they don’t start being healthy early in life
they will face these problems in their early 30’s & 40’s.
Due to highly reduced physical activity today, people are drinking
much less water and children prefer to drink all the commercially
advertised, fizzy drinks, juices, shakes etc.
Please note, nothing can substitute
the plain water need of your body. 5-8 years of age need at least
1½ liters, 8-12 years - 2 liters and 12 and above 2½
liters plain water daily. Water keeps you alert, fresh and clean.
Less water makes you slow and sluggish and your mouth and body will
smell offensive. Research shows that when the body is fully hydrated
the brain works more efficiently with mathematical calculations. We
all want children to be good at maths. Pollutants entering the body
through air and food can cause cancer. They must be flushed out daily
with plenty of water. All children age 5 up must take a liter of water
to school daily and be encouraged to bring the bottle back empty.
Diet: Parents must set
good examples of healthy eating to children. The biggest rule is to
never skip meals and specially never skip breakfast. If the children
leave home very
early they can have a big glass
of milk and then must carry their proper breakfast for 10am snack
time. A balanced lunch must be eaten at school and not at 4pm at home.
4pm is teatime and then a properly balanced dinner must follow. The
second big rule is to encourage all kids to eat fresh fruits and vegetables
(salad) daily. Raw fruits and vegetable are the richest source of
vitamins and minerals and also fiber. It is absolutely a must for
building resistance to infection and also for the smooth running of
all the systems.
Finally Control Fatty food intake. The secret here is not to forbid
it but to budget it. Nobody, young or old can get away with eating
fatty food daily. Chocolates, chips, pastry, ice-cream, pizza, burger
are delicious and exciting for kids. But parents must supervise the
buying and eating of these and ensure that it is strictly limited
to 2-3 times a week. Never more. E.g. If you open a box of chocolate
today, let everybody have one, put it away and open it again next
week. If its mittai, let every one have one round and give the rest
away to the maids kids. Call for pizza or burger only once a week.