Milk is an Essential Source of Protein for All Ages
Milk is one of the simplest and surest forms of protein that we can consume on a daily basis. 100ml. of cow’s milk contains approximately 3gms protein, 4gms fat and 4.5 gms lactose or milk sugar. Today most people both young and old are health conscious and into an enthusiastic exercise regimen. Even young children are engaged in extra sports or coaching classes for some game or sport. This means more working out of the muscles, more wear and tear and muscle rebuilding. The crucial factor is whether this child or individual is consuming an adequate amount of protein to rebuild and repair the muscles.
Most of us are in the habit of a glass of milk in the morning i.e. 200ml milk. Adults may drink 2-3 cups of coffee or tea in a day which may use a total of 200ml milk. Some people may take curds with lunch or dinner but this may not be a very regular intake.
The first point is to realize that tissue and muscle building, maintenance and repair is an everyday matter and therefore the protein requirement for this is based on an everyday supply of protein and this supply must be the required amount. Many people feel tried and easily exhausted because their protein supply to build and maintain the muscles which help to move their bodies is in adequate every day. We believe that milk is one of the best sources one can use and we can actually consume this daily and can actually measure it very accurately.
We must advice you however to ensure that you remove the cream or skim the milk as the fat in milk is of animal origin and can add too much fat and cholesterol to your body. We recommend that human beings try to consume at least 500ml skimmed milk daily which would give you approximately 15gms of protein. Those who work out and train regularly may increase the intake to 750ml of skimmed milk per day.
That would be 250ml in the morning or with breakfast, 250ml at 4pm or 6pm and again 250ml after dinner or at bed time. A teaspoon full of sugar and some additive like a teaspoon of Horlicks, Bournvita, etc. may be added or the milk may be flavored with a little sugar and instant coffee powder. Those who prefer curds may take a glass of milk in the morning and then consume half a cup of curd with lunch and dinner. Just remember to remove the cream from the milk before you set the curd or use skimmed milk to set the curds. We find that it is much safer and healthier to increase your protein intake like this than to buy and consume protein supplements which could have side effects later.
Milk is also a rich source of calcium which is very important for the smooth functioning and contractions of the muscles. Milk also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B12 which are important for healthy skin, nerves and muscles. Vitamin D in milk helps in the proper utilization of calcium for the muscles, bones and teeth. It would be a very wise step to recheck and reschedule the milk intake of your diet and the diet of your family members at all ages.
There is an argument that milk is a fattening food. Yes, the cream in milk is fattening but if it is removed then milk is a healthy and essential source of protein for all ages. Cream removed milk and curd are safe. Cream of milk, butter, ghee and ice-cream can add a lot of fat to your diet.