Metabolic Rate is Lowered by Late Nights and Lack of Sleep Leading to Weight Gain

Research has indicated that sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. If we have not got the required hours of sleep and rest at night, the next morning when we wake up our body motor (metabolism) will be tired and exhausted, not refreshed and recharged. It will run slowly throughout the next morning and day and therefore we will burn less calories. We may force ourselves to get out of bed, go for a walk or go to the gym and get to work but without us realizing it our body motor will be running slow within our body and this means less total calorie burn.

Those who repeatedly stay up late to study, work on party gradually slip into a pattern of waking up late, having breakfast late and not exercising in the mornings. They shift their exercise routine to the evening which causes their body to be fully charged up at night. They also feel that after their workout they must eat a good, heavy dinner and then they are unable to sleep early at night. There is simply no way to beat the old saying that goes like “Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Many young women with irregular sleep patterns are putting on weight, such as 10-20 kgs. when they start working. This is leading to not only obesity but serious hormone imbalances which can cause problems to their sex life and also hinder conception. Young women who are not working but whose husbands work late are also forced to stay up with them and go to bed at 1-2am. They are unable to wake up early and are also suffering in the same way.

Research has shown that the lack of sleep also has a serious impact on the diabetic mechanism of the body and other hormone systems like the thyroid system. Experiments have proved that those who don’t get proper sleep or enough sleep, breathe slower the next morning and also their digestion happens at a slower rate.

Beside all the above problems those who wake up late either skip breakfast or eat breakfast later than 10am this will affect the insulin mechanism in the body and will lead to obesity and later diabetic problems.

The ideal time for dinner is between 7.30-8.30 pm. This should not go beyond 9.00 pm. The ideal time to go to bed should be 2 hours after dinner i.e. 9.30-10.30 pm. This should not go beyond 11.00 pm. The ideal time to wake up is 5.30-6.30 am. This should not be later than 7.00 am. Breakfast should be ideally between 7.30 -8.30 am and not beyond 9.00 am.

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