clear, clean and beautiful complexion is a rare sight today. The
reason could be the pollution in the air, the ever increasing consumption
of aerated drinks, packed juices and rich creamy coffees instead
of cool, clean water and last but not the least is that young people
as well as adults indulge almost daily in foods rich in fat such
as snacks, pastries,
chocolates and fast food. There are many who believe that food and
pimples or acne have no connection but we believe that you are what
you eat and your skin reflects how much fat is consumed in your
daily diet.
In some cases medicines and external applications may be necessary
to treat acne. I however believe that to a very large extent it
can be checked and controlled by your diet. The facial skin is a
mirror or reflection of what you eat. In other words YOU ARE WHAT
YOU EAT.I have personally seen variation in my skin connected to
my diet. My body seems very sensitive to cream in milk and chocolates.
I now avoid them as far as possible. I believe that no matter how
wonderful your figure is, if you have a pimply complexion, everything
is cancelled.
So let’s get to work, clean up your menu- cut down drastically
on oily food-Mums and Maids, we need your help. Please reduce oil
in cooking. Everyone has to eat sabji or palya everyday so please
make sure they are not floating in oil. Reduce coconut in cooking
and avoid coconut chutney as far as possible (prepare roasted channa
and greens chutney). Avoid red meats, choose chicken or fish and
avoid their gravy. Choose phulkas (dry chappathi) and plain rice,
avoid poori, paratha, pulao and seasoned rices.
Finally milk must be thoroughly skimmed of cream or malai. Besides
this deep fried snacks, nuts, chocolates, ice cream, rich cookies,
cakes, desserts and mittai have to be restricted as much as possible.
The secret is to completely avoid these for 2-3 months, till your
skin heals and clears up. There after you may eat these foods once
or twice in a week. If you go back to eating them daily the pimples
will surely come back too. A 15 year old gorgeous girl came to me
recently, her figure was perfect, and her nature adorable but her
face was covered with pimples. “We eat lunch in a café
everyday-its coffee and cake, crossants or pies”. “Its
crazy”, I exclaimed “-that’s not a meal!”
But this is the trend today. Bad news young ladies before Prince
charming appears we better do some serious cleaning.
Café’s and treats are O.K. once or twice a week but
not everyday. If you have to eat out daily find a place that will
give you roti, dhal and salad or idli and sambar, curd rice and
sabji or start carrying food from home. Besides all the don’ts
here are some do’s. You have to fit in a walk of 20-30 minutes
into your daily schedule. Bad skin can be a result of sitting at
a desk in a closed office or in a college and at your computer all
This gives you a very poor circulation so whether thin or fat you
have to WALK. Everybody has to drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
You are sitting and sitting, you hardly sweat and never feel thirsty
and as a result young people drink only 2-3 glasses of water per
day. This is criminal to you body. Its dehydrated, drooping and
deadly toxins are piling up inside daily. Bathe your system with
plenty of water from inside-keep it fresh and clean and your skin
will glow. 2 glasses of warm water first thing in the morning is
a tonic for good skin.
Finally 2 fresh fruits like an apple and orange and 2 - 3 servings
of vegetable- a cooked
sabji for lunch and a huge bowl of fresh salad for lunch and dinner
are a must in your daily menu. Look after your body and may your
face reflect the glory of your creator God.