the old days it was recommended that 8 glasses water was a must
daily. Recent research has said 8-10 glasses or 2-2and a half liters
is the minimum. I believe that this
should be 2-2 and half liters plain water. When we count coffee,
tea, juices, buttermilk, I feel it is incorrect because there is
a certain proportion of plain water required by the body to maintain
the dilution of the blood, motility of the digestive tract and flushing
of the kidneys. When you add sugar, milk, salt, squash, juice, etc.
to the water it becomes concentrated and is not available to actually
dilute the blood and body fluids.
Besides this, I have been prescribing diets and water intake to
hundreds of people over the last 7 years and personally observed
that 2 and half liters plain water is a general requirement for
adults and 2 liters for children. Also this quantity and up to 3
liters has helped many and relieved them of constipation, acidity
and acne problems. Only if there is some kidney problem and the
doctor has specifically restricted water intake then for that person
less may be required.
Water is almost medicinal to good health 1. 60% of the human body
is made up of water. From this reservoir, water is daily removed
as perspiration, urine, saliva and enzymes. This has to be replaced
every day. If you don’t water a plant daily it droops. If
the required water is not drunk we will droop. One of the leading
causes of fatigue is poor water intake. How does the plant look
30 minutes after a watering? Fresh and standing up straight. You
choose between being fresh or being fatigued.
2. Recent research shows that a person’s mental capacity to
work with figures and numbers is much higher when the body is fully
hydrated. We are all making calculations throughout the day. Why
should our brains function at a lower level.
3. When a person does not drink enough water we find that the saliva
and perspiration gets very concentrated and gives off an offensive
odour. We all want to be pleasant and pleasing to those around us
so please drink plenty of water.
4. Water can be protective against
cancer. We have seen that cancer can be caused by some of the pollutants
that are coming into our bodies via the air are breath and also
as pesticides, fertilizers, etc. sprayed on the foods.
These can attack a weak organ or
tissue in our body and cause cancer cell formation. We cannot stop
breathing or eating all these foods but we can drink plenty of water,
which will flush out all these toxic substances.
5. Finally if anybody is on a weight
loss programme, then when breaking fat in the body, waste products
called ketone bodies are formed and they have to be removed. Therefore
we recommend 3 liters water during weight reduction. 2 and half
to 3 liters plain water is ideal. Sports people may require up to
4 liters. Beyond that may be taxing to the kidney. With summer setting
in make it a point to drink water correctly.