are all trying to beat the heat and keep cool. Thin cotton clothes,
A.C and fans full blast but believe me these are all external and
superficial. We need to start from deep down inside. What are we
eating and drinking. They can make all the difference.
curds, lassi and buttermilk – they top the list. Of course
we must ensure that the milk is thoroughly skimmed or use ready
to use skimmed milk (even curd to be made from skimmed milk). Milk
is one of the most wholesome foods we can consume. It is 85% water
so in itself it will cool the system. Then it is composed of both
carbohydrate as well as protein besides plenty of vitamins and minerals.
The carbohydrate in milk is a simple sugar called lactose with is
quickly digested and gives energy in 45 minutes so even without
adding extra sugar, if consumed it will make you feel a boost of
energy coming in, in 45 minutes. (lactose is a disaccharide).
The milk also
gives us protein – which is body building material. Good for
skin, hair and muscle building and also is very, very important
for keeping us full. Protein takes 3-4 hours to be digested so if
you have a lassi at 10 or 11 am you will feel fresh and also not
feel week and hungry up to lunch time. Similarly a cool glass of
milk or a milk shake at 5 or 6 pm will keep you going till dinner.
200ml of milk/curd gives 6- 7gm protein.
Finally milk
is a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins. It is one of the richest
sources of calcium and also contains Vit A, B complex, D and E.
So throw away all your myths about milk this summer and treat your
body to plenty of skimmed milk/curd/lassi instead of ice creams
and pastries (500-750ml skimmed milk/curd per day).
The next must
do for summer is lots of fresh fruits- Water melon, musk melon,
oranges, musambi, apples, pomegranate, pineapple etc. helps to pump
minerals and vitamins into the body. As we sweat a lot with the
heat we lose minerals and they must be replaced. Of all foods the
richest source of minerals and vitamins are fruits as they are the
least processed before eating.
Are juices good?
– I would rather you eat a fruit and drink the water. As you
make the juice vitamins and fiber are lost and also the calories
are much higher. When you eat an orange it is 40-50 cals. When you
make an orange juice you squeeze 3-4 oranges so it can be anything
from 100-150 cals. Even without added sugar. Packet juices are all
100 -120 cals. per 200ml.
Fruits are also
the only natural foods on earth that give instant energy. They contain
naturally both glucose and fructose which are monosaccharides. This
means one single step of digestion and energy is pumping into the
body. Even if you put a spoon of sugar or a toffee into your mouth,
energy will come only after 45 minutes.Summer is a time when you
feel fatigued very easily. Fruit is the best snack option. Also
try to do fruity desserts instead of rich creamy ones. Make fruit
intake a compulsory one, a 11 am and 6pm fruit daily will keep your
energy levels up and keep you cool and fresh as they contain lots
of water within them too. The fiber helps to relieve you of constipation
which is common in summer.
Lastly, fresh
salads are invaluable. Again don’t do veg juices and soups
but eat plenty of salad. Try to have salad both with lunch and dinner.
They help to cut down your total food intake and this helps to keep
you full but light and fresh as they are an important source of
water, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Fiber helps to keep your metabolic
rate up and relieve constipation.
Summer Formula:-
2 Fruits
2 Salads and
2-3 glasses of Skimmed Milk/Curd. |