am a 19-year-old cricketer. My weight is 72 kgs, ht 180cm.
My trainer advised me to consume about 90-1OOgms of protein
daily. Can you tell me which foods would give me protein and
how much protein is found in 1 glass milk or 2 pieces chicken
etc? What is "difference in the quality of protein"?
Can you please explain this?
recommended protein intake is 1.2gms to 1.5gms per kg ideal
body weight. So 90-100 gms protein is ok for you. If however
you do not consume enough carbohydrate food i.e. bread, rice,
chapatti, vegetables and fruits along with the proteins then
the protein will be diverted from muscle and tissue building
to be used as energy where carbs are lacking. Secondly please
make sure you are measuring and drinking atleast 3-4 ltr water
to remove waste products of protein digestion. We do not recommend
the intake of supplements except for very heavy training body
builders and weight lifters.
Food proteins
are qualified as good quality or first class proteins on the
basis of their amino acid composition. There are some essential
amino acids and if all these are present in that food it is
called first class. Egg white is one of the best quality proteins,
milk is also first class and so are all other non-veg protein
like chicken, fish, meat etc.Protein
got from vegetable sources, like that from wheat, pulses (channa,
rajma, moong) and dhal are called second-class protein. Here
all the essential amino acids are not present but while eating
wheat and dhal if we add some milk or curd to the meal the
essential amino acids are supplied and the protein quality
is improved. E.g. bread and milk/paratha with curd/rice and
dhal with curds or buttermilk etc.
our daily diet about at least 15gms of protein will come from
all the bread, rice, chapati that we eat. Each glass of milk
200ml gives us 6gms protein. We recommend that players should
take 1-liter milk or curd in a day. (4-5glasses) 30gms protein
comes from this. 1-cup dhal or pulses cooked gives 8gms protein.
Therefore a minimum of 1-cup dhal at lunch and dinner are
essential. This will add up to 60gms protein.
1 egg
will give 6gms protein. This 6gms is present only in the white.
If you want to increase egg protein, do additional whites
alone. 2-3 egg whites may be safely eaten in a day. Egg yolk
should not exceed 1 number daily. It is high in fat and cholesterol.
Raw egg is not digested and absorbed therefore egg or egg
white should be fully cooked. 2 pieces of chicken, 1OOgms
i.e. 1 leg piece plus thigh or a full breast piece will give
about 25gms of protein. 1OOgms fish 18-20gms, beef, mutton
and pork about 20gms. Therefore it is not necessary to eat
huge amounts of meat to build muscle. Also meats are high
in fat so be very careful about eating them.
of milk must be removed to avoid fat. Those who are purely
vegetarian may increase milk and dhal intake and could add
a protein based flavour to their milk.